Quick Start

This is a quick start guide - i.e. this is intended for those who are exprienced in web development. Check out the detailed instructions for a more detailed explanation.

  1. Use a FileReader

  2. Create a new BIMWHALE object

  3. Call parseIfcFile()

var file = document.getElementById('myFile').files[0];
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(e) {
    var lines = e.target.result.split(/\r\n|\n/);
    var ifcFile = new BIMWHALE.IfcFile(lines, config);
    var ifcEntites = ifcFile.parseIfcFile();

You are now done! If you have understood the snippet above, then head over to Simple Example. Otherwise, check the Detialed Instructions for a for a more in-depth explanation.

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