Print the Result

The final thing we need to do is to output the result. With a simple console.log, we get:

  "#219": {
    entityName: "IfcWallStandardCase",
    instanceName: "#219",
    attributes: {
      parsed: [
        "Basic Wall:Bearing Wall:346660",
        "Basic Wall:Bearing Wall",
    properties: {
      Custom_Pset: {
        TypeMark: "_TYPE-MARK_",
        Keynote: "_KEYNOTE_",
        StoreyName: "Level: Level 1",
        TypeDescription: "_DESCRIPTION_",
        StatusConstruction: "New Construction",
        NetArea: "14.04739",
        Height: "4000.",
        Width: "200.",
        Length: "4000.",
        Hyperlink: "_URL_"
  "#572": {
    entityName: "IfcDoor",
    instanceName: "#572",
    attributes: {
      parsed: [
        "M_Single-Flush:Outside door:346843",
        "M_Single-Flush:Outside door",
    properties: {
      Custom_Pset: {
        TypeMark: "20",
        Keynote: "--KEYNOTE--",
        StoreyName: "Level: Level 1",
        TypeDescription: "--DESCRIPTION--",
        StatusConstruction: "New Construction",
        NetArea: "3.18957899999998",
        Height: "2134.",
        Width: "915.",
        SillHeight: "0.",
        Hyperlink: "--URL--"

Last updated